29 may 2016

Present simple & present continuous

Refresh your mind with these exercises of present simple and present continuos;))
Speaking chart ( present simple/continuous) http://pin.it/mTzf7_c
What are they doing? http://pin.it/kRWsXBf

21 may 2016

What's the weather like today?

 SUMMER IS COMING ;)... Let´s revise some vocab about the seasons of the year and the weather.

Listening: Speaking about the weather. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s).

1. She says that temperatures are between_______ and ________most of the year.
2. In  winters  it ______ ______rains. But it is foggy and cloudy because of  the ________.
3. In the spring ________ _________start to bloom. You can smell their flowers everywhere.
4. Summers are hot with temperatures_______22_____35 _______.
5. Today it is _______and ______. 

*check the exercise with the transcript.